Real Estate Services Your Way!

You only pay for the services you want.

Flat Fee Listing


  • In Home Consultation

  • MLS Listing

  • Zillow,, and hundreds of other sites thru IDX feeds

  • Professional Sign and Lockbox

  • Local experienced Real Estate Agent support

  • “YOU” set Buyers Agent commission

  • Comparable market analysis for pricing property

  • Exit agreement at anytime

  • Showing service App/Feedback

  • Social Media marketing

  • Pre-List Marketing

  • Customizable services

  • NC Disclosure forms and contract review

  • Buyer leads go to you

Limited Full Service

Only 1.5%

  • Everything offered in our Flat Fee Plan

  • We will work with you from start to close covering everything from professional photos and measurements, to negotiations and problem solving

  • No out of pocket fees

“At Seller Solutions, we understand that every real estate journey is unique. That's why we offer a range of customizable services to fit your specific needs. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you navigate the ever-changing landscape of the market. Let us be your trusted partners on this exciting adventure.”

— From the Seller Solutions team

Discover our affordable services